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Workout Idea!
EQUIPMENT NEEDED Assault Bike or another cardio machine Timer INSTRUCTIONS Set a timer to count upwards. At the start of the minute...
Workout Idea!
EQUIPMENT NEEDED Wall Ball Timer INSTRUCTIONS Set a timer to count upwards At the start of the first minute complete 5 Burpees and 1 Wall...
Burpees are For Everybody! Whether you're new to exercise or have been training for years, burpees are an exercise that can be scaled or...
Bootcamp Library
BOOTCAMP LIBRARY Every Bootcamp Workout that we did since the start of Lockdown! Enjoy :-)
Monday Motivation!
Its Monday so no better time to get moving! Don't fancy running? No problem! A Brisk 30 minute walk will also reward you with great...
SLF Fitness Outdoor Training
Ever wondered what we do at Wednesdays Bootcamp? Well i've made this short video outlining some of the activities that you may find...
Fun Friday Family Challenge!
Fun Friday Family Challenge! 50 Squats for Time - Pausing Every 20 Seconds to Complete 3 Burpees! Parent 0 - Kid 1 Bring on Next Week!
Lime and Mango Chicken with Crispy Veggies and Salsa
I got inspiration for this recipe whilst travelling in Florida. I was looking for something semi-clean to eat and found something similar...
Workout Idea of the Day
Complete 30 repetitions of each exercise, then 20 of each and finally 10 as fast as possible with minimal rest. 30 - 20 -10 Air Squats -...
More Core Training
Work Your Through The Following Ab Blasting Circuit! 10 In and Out Crunches 10 Glute Bridges 10 Second Plank (Drop to Knees to Decrease...
Core Training Circuit
Perform the following exercises back to back for 30 seconds each. Rest for 1 minute then repeat x 2 Deadbug Mountain Climbers In and Outs...
Workout Of the Day
Todays Workout is a Total Leg Burner! Equipment needed - Kettlebell - Between 6 and 8kg will work well for beginners,. Complete 2 - 3...
Workout of The Day
Complete the Following with as Little Rest as Possible. 120 Single Skips or for Increased Difficulty 60 Double Unders* 50 KB Swings 40...
Workout of The Day
Stuck for something to do today? Why not try this equipment free Core and Glutes Circuit to add a few endorphin's to your day. 3 - 4...
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